
Compagina Teatrale Nino Martoglio
Creative Fields
Branding, Event Design
The Compagnia Teatrale Nino Martoglio is a group of actors from Catania that represents tragic/comic plays.
Every year the company stages four plays, some of them written by themselves, others taken from famous plays.

In 2017 the Compagnia Nino Martoglio entrusted us with the work of rebranding. They asked us to create a strong and recognizable identity, but also that of the new 2017/2018 season. The request of the brand is a restyling included the use of the face of the famous writer, poet and director Nino Martoglio. We vectorized the face and creating the monogram MN, inserting it inside a circle. Following the style of the brand, as far as the identity of the theatre season was concerned, we used illustrations representing the various works. To them, we superimposed geometric shapes, circle and rectangle, in order to insert the information of the four theatrical representations. Every year we try to vary the graphics for the new theatre season, keeping the elements that characterize the visual identity.
Theatre Company

Colors Palette
CMYK: 88 63 2 0
RGB: 46 93 167
Hex: #2E5DA7
CMYK: 0 80 89 0
RGB: 233 79 38
Hex: #E94F26
CMYK: 0 0 0 90
RGB: 60 60 60
Hex: #3C3C3C
Season 2017-2018

Season 2018-2019