Dodici Storie
di Corfù

Carthago Edizioni
Creative Fields
Editorial Design
Dodici stori di Corfù is a collection of short stories composed by the Greek author Konstantinos Theotokis. The text was translated by Dr. Katerina Papatheu and published by Carthago Edizioni.

Konstantinos Theotokis is a writer belonging to the classical Greek literature of the late 19th century. The aim was to introduce the author to a more generalist public in Italy, who enjoys a reputation on a par with other classical authors such as Giovanni Verga and Charles Dickens. The book is halfway between the monograph and the scientific treatise, due to the ambivalent nature of the publication, the graphic design was developed starting from the choice of a character that could express elegance and rigor. The choice fell on Baskerville, a typeface designed in 700 by John Baskerville, a famous English printer.
Tales of Corfu
